Cllr W Delf (Chair)
Cllr S Thubron (Vice Chair)
Cllr P Cardwell
Cllr K Foster (North Yorkshire Council)
B Jones (Clerk) Virtually
1.3.23 |
To receive and note apologies for absence
There were apologies received from:-
Cllr H Grant
Cllr M Pattinson was absent due to illness.
2.3.23 |
To receive ‘Declarations of Interest’ in items on the agenda
Cllr Cardwell indicated a personal interest in Sleegill related matters. Cllr Foster indicated an interest in Mayor of York and North Yorkshire related matters.
3.3.23 |
To approve the minutes of the meetings held on:
The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on the 14th September 2023 were approved.
Matters arising:
The Clerk sent Cllrs a copy of the letter which was sent to Yorkshire Water.
The Clerk contacted the Council regarding the damaged Sleegill sign, this has been fixed.
The Clerk contacted the Council regarding the missing Conservation area sign at the top end of Holly Hill and was advised it has been added to the programme of works. The Clerk to send Cllr Foster reference number to escalate.
The Clerk contacted the Council regarding the base stubs which have been left from the old lamp posts and was advised these have been added to the programme of works. The Clerk to send Cllr Foster reference numbers to escalate.
4.3.23 |
New Parish Charter
The Clerk contacted the Council regarding the new Parish Charter which was issued and confirmed Parish Councils don’t need to sign up to the Charter and there is no fee. It is a guide for how the Parishes and new Council will work together.
Cllrs acknowledge and are aware of it, however advised not much will relate to them.
5.3.23 |
Notice Board
The Clerk gathered further quotes for smaller, wall mounted boards however the Cllrs deemed these are also expensive.
The Clerk reiterated the Council do not have to replace it as they still have two.
The Clerk to gather further quotes and look at second hand companies with the assistance of Cllr Foster. |
6.3.23 |
Land Registry
The Clerk gave an update regarding the Parish Councils application to register the layby at the bottom of Sleegill into the Parish Councils name as there is no current registered owner. The dispute regarding the wrong address linked to the application reply is still being investigated.
The Clerk has tried to sort quotes from Solicitors which is proven to be difficult due to the situation of the land and no formal acceptance from the Land Registry.
Cllrs agreed to wait until the dispute is resolved before discussing next steps. |
7.3.23 |
Reports on previous month’s meeting etc – to hear from Parish/North Yorkshire Councillors or any meetings attended or other information of interest to the Parish Council
Cllr Foster reported the following on behalf of North Yorkshire Council,
The ongoing issue regarding the public footpath is with NYC’s Legal department.
The Council are now in the budget setting process for financial year 24/25 and more cuts have been announced.
Cllr Foster to investigate the issue related to the bin collection postcode finder.
There is a programme of inspection for bridges that will identify if the coping stones need any Maintenance, St Martins is due in the next couple of months.
Cllr Foster would like to encourage residents to register street lighting issue themselves. One recent incident resulted in a quick response time and resolution due to the Council being notified straight away.
A boundary review process is starting soon. NYC will inform Parishes and are highly encouraging all Parishes to take part.
A motion to improve the water quality was passed by the Council at the last full Council meeting.
The Government will debate the devolution deal very soon that will lead to an Election for the Mayor of York and North Yorkshire. The election is due to take place on the 2nd May. An announcement will be made shortly. |
8.3.23 |
North Yorkshire Council Housing Strategy 2024-2029 was discussed and future plans which may occur and the prospect of building new houses in the area.
North Yorkshire Council annual statutory budget consultation was sent out to Cllrs and distributed to residents which included links how to respond.
Polling Station Review Consultation was sent out to Cllrs and distributed to residents which included links how to respond.
The Clerk signed up the Parish Council to the new Consult Registration for North Yorkshire portal and will filter and monitor consultations.
9.3.23 |
The Clerk advised she now has full access to the Parish bank account and has set up online banking.
The Clerk advised the Parish’s current balance is £5743.90.
It was duly Proposed, and Seconded that Cllrs accepted the accounts.
Precept Setting 2024/25
A discussion took place with regards to a proposed increase in the Council’s Precept including taking into account the requirements for contingency funding in case of an election, the current Councils requirements and potential future costs.
It was agreed that the Precept for the 2024/25 Financial Year be increased from £3200 to £3400 which represents a 9.8% increase.
10.3.23 |
Any other business
The Clerk confirmed her phone is available for all Cllrs.
Cllr Foster to investigate two blocked drains on the main road.
11.3.23 |
Date for next meeting
Thursday 14th March 2024 – 6.30pm
As there was no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm. |